The Shipping Forecast is a BBC Radio broadcast of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the coasts of the British Isles. It is produced by the Met Office and broadcast by BBC Radio 4 on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The forecasts sent over the Navtex system use a similar format and the same sea areas. The waters around the British Isles are divided into 31 sea areas, also known as weather areas (see map below) There are four broadcasts per day at the following (UK local) times:
0048 – transmitted on FM and LW. Includes weather reports from an extended list of coastal stations at 0052 and an inshore waters forecast at 0055 and concludes with a brief UK weather outlook for the coming day. The broadcast finishes at approximately 0058.
0520 – transmitted on FM and LW. Includes weather reports from coastal stations at 0525, and an inshore waters forecast at 0527.
1201 – normally transmitted on LW only.
1754 – transmitted only on LW on weekdays, as an opt-out from the PM programme, but at weekends transmitted on both FM and LW.
As ships gradually return to normal routings in 2025, ship demand is forecast to fall 1-2% during both 2025 and 2026, contributing to a weakening supply/demand balance ...NGO claims shipping fails to pay taxes and asks for GHG levy.
The Oslo-listed company has offloaded the WesternSingapore to Thai bulker owner Precious Shipping for $28m. In tankers, VLCC prices continue to firm in tune with brokers’ forecasts of higher rates for ships trading outside the dark fleet.
“Sanctioned ships may be forced out of rotation, potentially tightening vessel availability,” Braemar forecast, noting how in ...Liner shipping profits are forecast to slide by more than 80% this year.
The firm has decreased its initial forecast by 1.5 million metric tons, bringing the new expected export volume down to 40.7 million metric tons ... The current forecast level is lower than the 52.4 million metric tons shipped last year.
... weather three to seven days out, and the data is given for free to weather forecasting providers such as AccuWeather, and utilized in aviation, shipping, defense and other critical industries.
Their goal is to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of navigational information for shipping in the Arctic region by developing two freely available forecasting prototypes ... shipping.
“The unabated demand for ships is keeping the charter market high despite the freight market slump,” Linerlytica noted in its ...Liner shipping profits are forecast to slide by more than 80% this year.
But within the forecast, like his observations about the Chinese shipping fees, were several other under-the-radar developments that could shift the supply/demand balance in trucking.
The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) has today released a report providing recommendations on how to develop and implement a SafetyManagementSystem (SMS) for ammonia-fuelled ships.
As explained in the report “Guidelines for developing and implementing a safety management system for ammonia-fuelled ships”, recognizing the industry’s forecasts on the uptake ...
Oil prices opened about 1% higher on Monday after the United States vowed to keep attacking Yemen's Houthis until the Iran-aligned group ends its assaults on shipping. A ship fires missiles at an undisclosed location, after U.S.
Liner shipping profits are forecast to slide by more than 80% this year ... The Danish carrier forecasted global container volume growth in 2025 will be around 4% ... Maersk’s EBIT forecast for 2025 ranges ...
Looking ahead to 2025, Yang Ming cited Alphaliner data forecasting a 5.7% increase in shipping capacity and a 2.5% growth in demand ... It also said European Union environmental regulations present new compliance challenges for shipping.
Maritime Technologies Forum Announces New Report to Strengthen ShipManagement for Ammonia-fuelled Ships. Latest publication from MTF provides recommendations on closing gaps in safety management for ammonia-fuelled ships.